Zeraea Kye

Zeraea Kye

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Being A Mommy of 2 Someday...

Reading a post on one of my mommy sites, made me start thinking about when the time comes for me to be a mother of two. Thinking about it makes me excited. I know it is going to be harder no matter what age Zeraea is. The sleepless nights, the changing of diapers, the screaming and not knowing how to help, the tummy aches, everything all over again doesn't sound so bad. Thinking and imagining Zeraea playing with her younger brother or sister makes me smile. I'm sure she will make a wonderful older sister, a protective one. I know deciding to have another child is a big deal, and a huge decision, not only for me but for Zeraea and Kevin. Kevin, he is an amazing father. I know he can handle whatever life throws at him. And I know that he is a great father, a natural. He is so great with Zeraea. Watching him and her always makes me smile, I just want to sit there and admire the two of them. He is so fond of her, and her of him. She is Daddy's little girl. I know he can't wait for her to get older and be able to do things like fishing. But deep down I know he already enjoys her. Those moments where she finally discovers how to do something, or reaches out for things in front of her and really concentrates on them. When she lays on her playmate and just blabbers to herself so loud, it's the cutest thing ever. I know most mothers ask "how am I going to be able to love another child?" and "How am I going to show one time and not leave the other out?". I can sit here and say I 100% know how to do that, but honestly I have never been there. I just know that it is possible! I love the idea of having a big family and I can't wait till that dream comes true, though having 5-6 babies over time, just imagine how many hours of sleep I am going to lose doesn't sound too great, it still seems totally worth it.

Friday, July 23, 2010

First Giggle! ~7/14/2010~

The first time she giggled was with her daddy, Kevin. I was in the shower. I hurried up and got dressed to hear it but I was too late. He was standing in the family room with her in her bouncer, spinning her. SHE LAUGHED!! It was such a happy laugh! So cute and high pitched with a huge ear to ear smile on her face! Kevin's face mimicked hers perfectly. He did it over and over just to hear it! It's definitely a noise we will never grow tired of hearing! A few minutes I tried the same thing, Kevin told me what he was doing. I tried it and failed haha. :( Oh well! At least I got to hear it! Now she is giggling more and more and more!

First Smile (apx.) ~6/09/2010~

The first time she smiled, REALLY smiled. Cause she was happy and not just as a reflex. It was a very happy moment! She smiles ALL the time now. I love it most in the morning when she sees me, a huge smile spreads across her face like saying "Good morning Mama!". I live to make her smile now lol. Her face just lights up! It's once of those little simple things in life that pretty much trumps every other moment. She is such a happy baby now, smiling a giggling like crazy!

First Time Rolling Over ~7/13/2010~

First time she rolled over was such a surprise to me! She had just woken up, got her diaper changed and I laid her down for her morning tummy time. Few seconds later, FLOP there she goes, rolling over like she's done it millions of times! I WAS SO HAPPY!! I called her grandma (my mom) and her grandpa (my step-dad)! Tried to call Kevin but he was at school. She seemed so surprised. Her little Asian eyes got to big! I automatically put her back on her tummy and she did it again. I kept doing it till she wouldn't roll over anymore. She did it like 8 times!! I was a very proud moment! I was soooo proud of her, I think then I realized that she truly is growing up and learning every second on the day. All her tummy time is really paying off. When Kevin got home later that day, I tried to get her to do it by setting her on her tummy again. But NOPE, she just laid there and stared at us like "what?" lol. GOD I LOVE BEING A MOMMY!

First Vacation to Meet Great Grandparents! ~5/14/2010~

Kevin and I were worried about how a one month old would do in a car for 8+ hours. The drive up, we stopped many times. I'd change her, than I'd breastfeed. It was interesting breastfeeding in our car (glad our windows are dark tented lol). I had her propped up on one knew with one arm, and the other arm was guiding the boob into her mouth and holding it there. She did really great, better than we anticipated I think. Driving seemed to sooth her back to sleep most of the time. On the way to Pensacola, Fl to see Kevin's grandparents his fathers truck broke down. We ended up eating breakfast. Also being our first time in a restaurant with her. Kevin and I were worried about germs and the noise, like I am sure most first time parents are! But all said and done we got there. Unpacked the car, and got Zeraea inside to meet her great-grandparents! They adored her! Seeing the big smile on grandmas face made the long trip worth it. Grandpa was quite fond of her also. We had the family together! Aunt Amanda, cousins Alexis and Dylan. Grandma and Grandpa, Great-grandma and Grandpa. Aunt Sonia and then Zeraea, me and Kevin. It was nice being there. Ever since the first time I was there (2009), I loved it. It was nice and green, spacious yet everything was close. Having Zeraea outside was nice also, it wasn't too bring then. Overcast the whole time made it easier to have her outside. She seemed to enjoy walking around with me, just looking at all the green trees and beautiful flowers. I loved holding her, just talking to her as I swang on their swing in the back yard. Kevin and I took a small walk with her around the back yard. It was nice to have a break from busy life in Tampa! Can't stand it there. Anyway. Being around family was very nice. Kevin's mom gave us a scare though when we first got there. She was taken to the hospital, she was dehydrated. But the next day she was MUCH better! I thought it was funny giving Zeraea a sponge bath on the hardwood floor with her on her diaper mat. She didn't seem to mind it at all! She gave us loooong nights when we were there. I remember staying up with her crying as I played solitaire with one hand and rocked her with the other. She was just moody. She got better though and slept okay. Kevin and I loved the bed, it was like a King and here at home we have this small ass Full. Horrible!

Way back home, we left earlier so that Kevin could rest some before returning to school the next day. The drive went a lot faster. We only stopped when she needed us too, instead of stopping every hundred miles or so. I got some sleep sitting in the back, but mostly I stayed up talking to Kevin and holding his hand the whole time. The few times I'd drift off, I'd wake up, check her. Than watch kevin as I drifted back off to sleep. It was a nice trip! Overall relaxing.

First Doctors Visit ~4/21/2010~

She definitely grew in 2 weeks, she now weighs 7lbs 6 ozs from 7lbs 1 oz. Her length was the relative same. She pooped on the doctor when she stuck the thermometer in her butt haha. It was quite funny yet messy. She didn't like being unwrapped either. But all checked out. HEALTHY BABY!!! :D

Zeraea's First Bath~4/19/2010~

I was very excited to give her, her first "bath". Though it was only a sponge bath. She DID NOT like it haha. She wanted to be wrapped up and warm in our arms instead of in her bath in a sink getting wet! She just was not happy till she was dressed and snuggled. Great experience for us as new parents. I loved it, though it seemed almost traumatic to her :( But it was over in a matter of minutes and she was in mommys arms, nice and warm again, where she belongs :)

Bringing Baby Home ~4-18-2010~

Bringing her home was so exciting! I was nervous with her in the car, I was so scared something was going to happen, still am today. I was in the back while my Fiance drove, I was like a nagging mother. "You're 2miles over the speed limit!" "Slow down on the turns!" haha. Once we got home, we laid the carseat on the floor and introduced her to the puppy, Missy. The puppy did great. Zeraea was sleeping and looked all cute dressed up for the first time. Now it felt real to me, she was home and it was just us. No nurses interrupting every 2 hours. Just us, nice and warm in our own home. Though exhausted, I loved every second! Being a new mommy brought so much happiness it was overwhelming. I loved my life even more now that she was here in it.

Zeraea's Birth ~4/16/2010

Birth worried me, I felt scared but oddly relieved. I went to my normal 38 week appointment thinking labor was still awhile off. She checked me, 3cm dialated 80% effaced. My blood pressure was high the past couple of appointments so she decided to send me to the hospital to get my blood pressure checked over time to see if I had preclamsia or not. I didn't. In the hospital I dialated to 4cm, they sent me home saying I wasn't in active labor. We went home and I begn eating Subway, my usual Turkey sandwich. I began having some painful contractions for the first time. Every time I went to go take a bite, I'd have one...I was HUNGRY haha. I decided to get up and try to go take a bath, thinking maybe that will make me feel a little more comfortable. As I walked into the bathroom, my water broke. It wasn't dramatic like you see one TV where it goes ALL over the floor. Honestly, I wasn't sure if my water broke or not lol. I peeked out of the bathroom and told Kevin that it broke (or I thought it did) and he's like "Gotta Go!". 20minutes since I left the hospital, I was back contractions about 1 minute apart. On the way back to the hospital I was talking to my mother on the phone, trying too. Every contraction I'd just pull the phone away from my head (hearing someone talk made me more annoyed haha). I got to the hospital and all I wanted to do was go to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and wanted to stay there. It made my contractions easier, but NOOOO the stupid nurse told me I had to get up and come to the bed, so I did. When they checked me again once in my room, I was 7 1/2 cm dialated. Never had I been so tired, I probably hadn't slept in 2 days. Had to have an epidural, (regret it now haha). About an hour or so later I was ready to give birth, they waited another 30minutes or so to birth her down naturally. Then the pushing started. I was happy to feel that my epidural had worn off enough for me to feel everything (when her head was coming, out, etc) but without the pain. About 10 pushes later her head was out, cord wrapped twice around it. Our hearts stopped, she was blue and wasn't crying. They worked on her for a few seconds and she began crying and pinked up. Relieved tears fell from my eyes. Then happiness came over me. My baby girl was here, 9:11pm. She was 7lbs 1 oz, 20 1/2 in long. !! Kevin's face lite up, I can still picture it in my head. That pure love and admiration as he looked down at his baby girl. I think I fell in love with him all over again in that moment. A family of three :)